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Evening English class

1 class per week available now

1 class per week available now

  • Targeted audience: From elementary school students all the way to university students, and adults, regardless of age or level, anyone who wants to improve their English skills with their own goals

  • Date and time: (1st slot) 18:40-19:40,  (2nd slot) 19:50-20:50

Adult Education Course_edited.jpg

Unique Benefits

  • Peace of mind with ultra-small groups

At least 1 teacher for every 4 students. Excellent native English speaking teacher and Japanese/English bilingual teacher work as a team.  We accept up to 8 students.

  • We respond to a wide range of needs

We will respond to each individual needs such as preparation for entrance exams, study abroad, various English tests, or travel/daily conversation, improvement of teaching ability of teachers, etc.

  • Tailored English training program according to each person's level and goals

After confirming the current level and each person's goals, we propose and implement the most suitable training plan for each person.

The teaching materials include "Raz-Plus," which is used in many schools in the United States, and textbooks for each level, but we can respond flexibly to individual needs.

Overview of the class

Tuition fee: Monthly payment

  • 週に1時間の授業を1コマまたは2コマから受講可能です。更に週に1コマ単位で追加することも可能です。目標に応じて必要なコマ数を推奨させていただきます。空きがある限り、同じ曜日に2コマ取ることも、別の曜日に1コマずつ取ることも可能です。

  • ​授業料は当該月の開校日数に関わらず年間を通して一定額のお支払いになります(8月を除く)

  • 受講中のお子様のお預かり:料金600円/30分

  • ​会員外のスポット利用:4,000円/class

  • ​入会金:16,500円

  • 教材費・維持管理費:3,000円/月

  • 会員紹介制度:紹介する方、される方双方授業料から5,000円割引します。(スポット利用は除く)

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