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Collaborative activities

We conduct various collaborative activities related to the health and education of children and families with experts in each field

3rd collaboration: “Programming class trial session"

Parents and children participate together! My first programming with Minecraft!

  • Date & Time

    • ​6/17 (Saturday) 13:00-14:30
  • Target and conditions:

  1. Age: 5 to 12 years old. We will prepare tasks according to age of each child.

  2. Participation of parents is required. Parents and children work together to challenge programming.

  3. Please bring your own computer or tablet (Windows/Mac/iPad, etc.). ​
    *People who have played Minecraft in the game can take the course very smoothly.

  • Contents:

    • ​ This trial session is suitable for children who do not know programming at all, studying programming for the "first time".

    • 13:00-13:15 (15 minutes): Preparation & PC setup​

    • 13:15-14:15 (60 minutes): Parents and children experience programming for the first time​

      • Let's work together with parents and children to make a cool staircase! ​

      • [Beginner] Let's build 100 steps! ​
        [Intermediate] Let's make a spiral staircase! ​

      • [Advanced] Generate a large number of various animals​

    • ​ 14:15-14:30 (15 minutes): Feedback​

      • Please tell us what was good and what could be improved! ​

      • Give us some advice about the programming class you are currently planning!

  • ​Fee:  1,000 yen/child

  • ​ Capacity: 5 children

  • ​ Instructor: Shohei Ohkawara

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Introduction of instructor

Shohei Ohkawara

Studied programming at university and started working for an IT company. ​
In addition to his main business, he conducts seminars on IT trends for large companies, assists study US students to study in Japan, and support IT internships at universities in Japan. He is actively conducting programming education for children.

Microsoft Japan Co., Ltd.
Stark Industries Co., Ltd. Chief Strategy Officer​
Graduated from GLOBIS Graduate School of Management, MBA​

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